Humboldt County

A few years ago, I found myself on a cannabis farm tucked in the hills of Humboldt County. This was result of a friendship turned to business dealing, which has since become a common theme in my life. We (Foster Project) found ourselves riding around on 4 wheelers basking in the late summer sun, and soaking in the notion of utilizing a legacy property for the purpose of creating a brand.

For 5 days straight I bounced, banged and whooshed my way through the property with my camera, stopping to capture anything that felt emotional, or intrinsic to the place itself. I also drove down to the isolated shoreline of Shelter Cove, and began to realize the environment itself was the product.

Unfortunately, such isolation lends itself to the opportunity to warp thinking, and the brand never materialized. By this I mean you have a mountain full of individuals who were making millions (in cash) each year intentionally cut off from broader notions of “development”, acquiring large properties, building lavish houses, and basically, doing what ever the hell they wanted for decades. While it makes for excellent characters it also makes chaos.

These photographs are representatives of the experience.